We are pleased to share that we’ve taken our Exam Day Offer Program to the next level by automating it.
Build your insured client base while providing the same great benefits to your hospital.
What is Trupanion’s Exam Day Offer?
An Exam Day Offer is a special offer provided to pet parents upon check-in for their pet's exam. The offer must be activated within 24 hours, and once activated, pet parents have immediate medical coverage for that pet. Sharing the value of medical insurance is a great way to provide added value to your clients!
How will it work?
A pet parent makes a wellness appointment for their dog or cat who is under the age of three.
During the pet’s exam your team discusses the importance of medical insurance for pets.
Upon check-in, Trupanion automatically sends a personalized email to the pet parent, inviting them to take advantage of our Exam Day Offer for immediate medical insurance coverage.
Why have over 3 million pet parents chosen Trupanion?
Direct payment to any hospital: We're the first (and only!) pet medical insurance provider that can pay veterinary invoices in real time at checkout.
No payout limits or benefit schedules: Trupanion never limits the care your pet can receive. There are no payout limits or benefits schedules -- not annually, not by condition, not ever.
Over $2.4 billion in invoices paid: We've spent over two decades helping pets! 8 out of 10 members say Trupanion helped save their pet's life.
Join this program and discover how easy it can be to grow your insured client base!